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Athletic Philosophy

Grace Academy aims to teach fundamental physical development to our students to benefit them for the rest of their lives. We teach each student to take proper care of his/her body, the temple of the Holy Spirit; to exhort one another in times of trial; to complete tasks which are begun, and to cooperate with teammates.

The athletics program at Grace Academy teaches self-sacrifice, self-discipline, and personal commitment to attain the goal of excellence. Its primary goals are to honor God while developing characteristics that will enable student-athletes to overcome challenges they will encounter throughout their lives.

Athletic Vision

Grace Academy seeks to use both academics and athletics as instruments to fulfill our mission. The purpose of our athletic program is to complement, not compete with, our academic program. We recognize that training of the body has always been part of the classical approach to education, and we educate our students to honor God by being good stewards of the body He has given them and by maintaining their health to the best of their ability. Through athletics, our students do the following:

  • Learn to win and lose with grace and humility.
  • Endure through physical hardship, thus cultivating discipline.
  • Become encouragers of teammates,
  • Develop mental strength, agility, and focus as they push through difficult situations.
  • Refocus and renew determination—rather than succumbing to despair—in the face of defeat.
  • Honor God in humility, effort, attitude, and in sportsmanship.

Athletics in Classical Schools

In this episode of Basecamp Live, Davies Owens interviews Wes Boyd, the Director of Athletics at Providence Christian School of Texas. Wes shares his unique insights into training young people to develop character and embody classical virtues in all aspects of life, including athletics. The episode explores the possibility of integrating faith and athletics, the prioritization of athletics in classical Christian schools, and the role of athletics in nurturing virtue in students and children.

Listen here on Apple Podcasts.

Knights Athletic Store

Grace Academy partners with the Athletic Shop out of Chattanooga, TN to provided clothing and accessories to show your Knight spirit! Orders are processed every 7 days and sent directly to your home. There is a choice of two logos on most items, either the athletic “Knights” logo or the “Grace Academy” logo.

Knights Athletic Store Link

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